Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 23 2013


   So I think I am going to keep this post short and sweet. To be honest this post might be kind of hard for me to write since I have been having a lot of issues lately. It seems as though my anxiety and depression issues have been getting worse or at the very least not any better. I have made some recent changes though to my medication and while it is still to early to tell if this dosage will work I am hoping it will. I am still hoping that I will one day be off the medication (since I HATE medication) and I truly hope that day is soon but for right now I think I need them.

   Since I have been having a rough time I haven't really left my room/house in a bit. In away this is a blessing because it has given me plenty of time to think about what I am grateful for. For starters I have caught up on my sleep since that is all I seem to be able to do the last few days (even though my medication makes me feel as though I haven't at times since I am still getting use to it and tiredness is a side effect). I have also had plenty of time to do homework. My goal for the summer is to have all 3 of my summer courses done by the end of June minus the exams so that I can enjoy some of my summer. I have also had a chance to re-organize my bedroom which was a nice distraction.

I think one of the things I am most grateful for though is being on Facebook hear me out!!! If I hadn't been on my computer a little (ok a lot more) than usual the last few days/weeks I may have missed this wonderful video clip. If you are on Facebook I am sure you have seen it or at least heard about it. But if you haven't I'll post a link here. (Spoiler Alert: Watch the clip before reading on!)

While Zach's story is incredibly sad it shows that no matter how bleak things look don't give up. It also tells us that we shouldn't take our life for granted because it can be taken away from us in a split second. We should take each day that we are given and use every second of it to the best of our abilities. I am truly grateful for stumbling on this clip and I am going to try and remember this lesson from Zach and emulate it in my own life.

Anyways, sorry for the kind of blah post guys I hopefully will have some more interesting ones in the near future!

What are you grateful for???  

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