Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thank You's

Hey Everyone!

I am not really sure if there is an "everyone" out there anymore. I am guessing that most of the readers I did have are probably not checking my blog anymore since it's been ages since I have posted anything but in the off chance that there are one or two of you still around I just want to say thanks for your patience! :) It has been an "interesting" few months and an even more "interesting" few weeks. This is why I thought it was time to get back to normalcy and to this blog (it also helps that I couldn't sleep)!

To be honest guys I have fallen pretty far since writing my last post back in May... I had forgotten why I started to write this blog to begin with. I was am letting the small (and sometimes big, but not impossible) things get to me. I was am letting issues with school, grades, relationships, my past, the future, placements, recreational activities and just plain old BS get to me and overwhelm me. It's stupid, there is nothing good that can come from that! I think we all do it though or at least I would like to think I am not the only one who worries about stupid, useless, crap that won't matter in 5 years at 2 in the morning! But when you think about it what is worrying going to solve? All you are going to do is just make yourself sick both physically and emotionally! So all that being said I think it is time to get back to gratitude and being grateful for the small but oh so important things in life!    

I am grateful for those of you who have stuck by me the last few months/weeks. Some of you have been there for me to call/text/skype at literally any hour of the night. Thank you for your reassurance  that it was ok and that I wasn't being a burden or a bother (even when I was). Thank you for those who have been there to make sure I get the help I need when I can't/won't see that I need it. As much as I may or may not have liked it please know I do appreciate the concern. But most of all thank you to everyone who never gave up on me when I gave up on myself. I am so blessed to have wonderful people like you in my life and please know if anyone of you ever needs anything you can always call/text/skype me. <333

What are you grateful for????